The types of captures (and their groupings) that are emitted by the OPC UA PubSub sniffer.
Member | Value | Description |
All | 2097151 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all message types (non-terminal and terminal). |
AllDataSetMessages | 124 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all dataset messages (parsed and unparsed). |
AllDiscoveryAnnouncements | 1865728 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all (parsed and unparsed) discovery announcement messages. |
AllDiscoveryMessages | 2097024 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all discovery messages (probes and announcements). |
AllDiscoveryProbes | 231296 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all (parsed and unparsed) discovery probe messages. |
AllPubSubMessages | 2097148 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all OPC UA PubSub (terminal) messages. |
AnnouncementApplicationDescription | 524288 | A terminal message. Represents an application description announcement message. |
AnnouncementDataSetMetaData | 8192 | A terminal message. Represents a (parsed) dataset metadata announcement message. |
AnnouncementDataSetWriter | 16384 | A terminal message. Represents a (parsed) dataset writer configuration message. |
AnnouncementPubSubConnection | 262144 | A terminal message. Represents a (parsed) PubSub connection configuration announcement message. |
AnnouncementServerEndpoints | 4096 | A terminal message. Represents a (parsed) publisher endpoints announcement message. |
AnnouncementStatus | 1048576 | A terminal message. Represents a status announcement message. |
DataSetDeltaFrame | 16 | A terminal message. Represents a dataset delta frame. |
DataSetEvent | 32 | A terminal message. Represents a dataset message carrying an event. |
DataSetKeepAlive | 64 | A terminal message. Represents a dataset keep-alive message. |
DataSetKeyFrame | 8 | A terminal message. Represents a dataset key frame. |
NetworkMessage | 2 | A non-terminal message. Represents a data or discovery message defined by OPC UA PubSub. |
NetworkTraffic | 3 | A grouping of capture types. Contains all network traffic messages. |
None | 0 | No message. Used to indicate a successful connection by the transport mechanism. |
ProbeFindApplications | 131072 | A terminal message. Represents a (parsed) find applications probe message. |
ProbePublisherDataSetMetaData | 512 | A terminal message. Represents a publisher information probe for dataset metadata. |
ProbePublisherDataSetWriter | 1024 | A terminal message. Represents a publisher information probe for dataset writer configuration. |
ProbePublisherPubSubConnections | 65536 | A terminal message. Represents a publisher information probe for PubSub connections configuration. |
ProbePublisherServerEndpoints | 256 | A terminal message. Represents a publisher information probe for publisher server endpoints. |
ProbePublisherWriterGroup | 32768 | A terminal message. Represents a publisher information probe for writer group configuration. |
TransportMessage | 1 | A non-terminal message. Represents a full original message, as received by the transport mechanism. |
UnparsedDataSet | 4 | A terminal message. Represents an unparsed dataset message. |
UnparsedDiscoveryAnnouncement | 2048 | A terminal message. Represents an unparsed discovery announcement message. |
UnparsedDiscoveryProbe | 128 | A terminal message. Represents an unparsed discovery probe message. |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows
See Also