| Name | Description |
 | BrowseAccessPaths | Browses the possible access paths of a specified OPC item.
Browse for access paths. Specify machine name, server class, and item ID. |
 | BrowseBranches | Overloaded. Browses the specified branch (or root) in OPC server's address space, and returns information about child branches found.
The BrowseBranches methods return the branches available under the specified parent branch in the OPC-DA address space.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | BrowseLeaves | Overloaded. Browses the specified branch (or root) in OPC server's address space, and returns information about child leaves found.
The BrowseLeaves methods return the leaves available under the specified parent branch in the OPC-DA address space.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | BrowseNodes | Browses the specified branch (or root) in OPC server's address space, and returns information about child nodes (both branches and leaves) found.
Browse for child nodes. Specify machine name, server class, parent item ID, and node filter. |
 | BrowseOne | Browses the nodes in OPC DA server's address space. Starts from the specified node, and returns information about child nodes found.
Browses the nodes in server's address space, given a browse arguments object. |
 | BrowseProperties | Browses the available properties of a specified OPC item.
Browse for available item properties. Specify machine name, server class, and item ID. |
 | BrowseServers | Overloaded. Browses for available OPC (Data Access) servers.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | BrowseTree | Overloaded. Allows to traverse through OPC DA address space nodes under the specified node, using given browse arguments. |
 | ChangeItemSubscription | Overloaded. Changes parameters of a subscription to a particular OPC item.
It is more efficient to change multiple subscriptions using IEasyDAClient.ChangeMultipleItemSubscriptions method.
 | GetAccessRightsPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Access Rights OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetAlarmAreaListPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Alarm Area List OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetAlarmQuickHelpPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Alarm Quick Help OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetChangeRateLimitPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Rate of Change Limit OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetCloseLabelPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Contact Close Label OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetConditionLogicPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Condition Logic OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetConditionStatusPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Condition Status OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetDataTypePropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Canonical DataType OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetDeadbandPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Deadband OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetDescriptionPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Description OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetDeviationLimitPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Deviation Limit OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetEUInfoPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item EUInfo OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetEUTypePropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item EU Type OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetEUUnitsPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of EU Units OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetHighEUPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of High EU OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetHighHighLimitPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of HiHi Limit OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetHighIRPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of High Instrument Range OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetHighLimitPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Hi Limit OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetItemPropertyRecord | Overloaded. Obtains a DAItemPropertyRecord structure filled with OPC property values for a given OPC item.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | GetLimitExceededPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Limit Exceeded OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetLowEUPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Low EU OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetLowIRPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Low Instrument Range OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetLowLimitPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Lo Limit OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetLowLowLimitPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of LoLo Limit OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetMultiplePropertyValues | Overloaded. Gets values of multiple OPC properties of a specified OPC item.
This method does not throw an exception in case of OPC operation failures. Instead, the eventual exception related to each property is returned in Exception property of each returned OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.ValueResult element.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | GetOpenLabelPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Contact Open Label OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetPrimaryAlarmAreaPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Primary Alarm Area OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetPropertyValue | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property of a specified OPC item.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | GetPropertyValue | Overloaded. Gets a value of typed OPC property, using descriptor objects for the OPC server, node, and the property. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfBoolean | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Boolean. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfByte | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Byte. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfChar | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Char. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfDateTime | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.DateTime. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfDecimal | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Decimal. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfDouble | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Double. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfInt16 | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Int16. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfInt32 | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Int32. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfInt64 | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Int64. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfIntPtr | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.IntPtr. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfSingle | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.Single. |
 | GetPropertyValueArrayOfString | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to an array of System.String. |
 | GetPropertyValueBoolean | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Boolean. |
 | GetPropertyValueByte | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Byte. |
 | GetPropertyValueChar | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Char. |
 | GetPropertyValueDateTime | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.DateTime. |
 | GetPropertyValueDecimal | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Decimal. |
 | GetPropertyValueDictionary | Overloaded. Obtains a DAPropertyValueDictionary filled with OPC property values for a given OPC item.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | GetPropertyValueDouble | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Double. |
 | GetPropertyValueInt16 | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Int16. |
 | GetPropertyValueInt32 | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Int32. |
 | GetPropertyValueInt64 | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Int64. |
 | GetPropertyValueIntPtr | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.IntPtr. |
 | GetPropertyValueSingle | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.Single. |
 | GetPropertyValueString | Overloaded. Gets a value of OPC property, using descriptor object for the OPC server, and an OPC Item ID, and converts it to System.String. |
 | GetQualityPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Quality OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetScanRatePropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Server Scan Rate OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetSoundFilePropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Sound File OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetTimestampPropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Timestamp OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetTimeZonePropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Timezone OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | GetValuePropertyValue | Overloaded. Obtains value of Item Value OPC property for a given OPC item. |
 | PullItemChanged | Attempts to pull an OPC item change subscribed to by the IEasyDAClient.SubscribeMultipleItems or SubscribeItem method. |
 | ReadItem | Overloaded. Reads an OPC-DA item. Value, quality and timestamp are returned.
The ReadItem method reads the data of an OPC-DA item. It uses the first available data from the server; it does not wait until the quality becomes "uncertain" or "good".
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
Optionally, a specific data type can be requested, or an access path can be specified (OPC DA 1.0 only).
 | ReadItem | Overloaded. Reads a typed named item from an OPC server. A typed value, quality and timestamp are returned.
The ReadItem method uses the first available data from the server; it does not wait until the quality becomes "uncertain" or "good".
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | ReadItemValue | Overloaded. Reads an OPC-DA item value.
Reads a single named item from an OPC-DA server. Only the item value is returned (quality and timestamp are not returned).
Use this method if you are only interested in the actual value of the OPC item. Use ReadItem method if you also need the quality or timestamp. The ReadItemValue method makes it very easy to obtain the actual data value with just one function call.
The ReadItemValue method requires that the value quality is "good".
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
Optionally, a specific data type can be requested, or an access path can be specified (OPC DA 1.0 only).
 | ReadItemValue | Overloaded. Reads a typed named item from an OPC server. Only the item's typed value is returned (quality and timestamp are not returned).
Use this method if you are only interested in the actual typed value of the OPC item. Use ReadItem method if you also need the quality or timestamp. The ReadItemValue method makes it very easy to obtain the actual typed data value with just one function call.
The ReadItemValue method requires that the value quality is "good".
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfBoolean | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Boolean. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfByte | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Byte. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfChar | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Char. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfDateTime | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.DateTime. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfDecimal | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Decimal. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfDouble | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Double. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfInt16 | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Int16. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfInt32 | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Int32. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfInt64 | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Int64. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfIntPtr | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.IntPtr. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfSingle | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.Single. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueArrayOfString | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to an array of System.String. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueBoolean | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Boolean. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueByte | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Byte. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueChar | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Char. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueDateTime | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.DateTime. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueDecimal | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Decimal. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueDouble | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Double. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueInt16 | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Int16. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueInt32 | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Int32. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueInt64 | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Int64. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueIntPtr | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.IntPtr. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueSingle | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.Single. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadItemValueString | Overloaded. Reads a value of named OPC item, and converts it to System.String. The value is requested from the OPC server using a corresponding data type. |
 | ReadMultipleItems | Overloaded. Reads data of multiple OPC-DA items.
The ReadMultipleItems method reads the data (values, timestamps and qualities) of multiple items from one or more OPC-DA servers. It uses the first available data from the server for each item; it does not wait until the quality becomes "uncertain" or "good". The function performs all individual operations in parallel, but only returns after all individual operations are completed (or their timeouts elapse).
This method does not throw an exception in case of OPC operation failures. Instead, the eventual exception related to each item is returned in Exception property of each returned OpcLabs.EasyOpc.DataAccess.OperationModel.DAVtqResult element.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
Optionally, a specific data type can be requested, or an access path can be specified (OPC DA 1.0 only).
This method operates on multiple items at once. If you only have one item, you can use the ReadItem(IEasyDAClient,DAReadItemArguments) method instead. |
 | ReadMultipleItemValues | Overloaded. Reads values of multiple OPC-DA items.
Reads named items from an OPC-DA server or servers. Only the item values are returned (qualities and timestamps are not returned).
The ReadMultipleItemValues method requires that the quality is "good" for each item. The function performs all individual operations in parallel, but only returns after all individual operations are completed (or their timeouts elapse).
This method does not throw an exception in case of OPC operation failures. Instead, the eventual exception related to each item is returned in Exception property of each returned OpcLabs.EasyOpc.DataAccess.OperationModel.DAVtqResult element.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
Optionally, a specific data type can be requested, or an access path can be specified (OPC DA 1.0 only). |
 | SetState<TNode> | Sets the arbitrary object associated with the node. |
 | SubscribeItem | Overloaded. Subscribe to changes of a particular OPC item.
The IEasyDAClient.ItemChanged event is generated for each significant item change.
It is more efficient to subscribe to multiple items using the SubscribeMultipleItems method.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
 | SubscribeMultipleItems | Overloaded. Subscribe to changes of multiple OPC items.
The IEasyDAClient.ItemChanged event will be generated for each significant item change. |
 | SupportsTechnology | Determines whether the client object supports a given OPC technology or technologies (such as OPC COM or OPC XML). |
 | TryEnableAutoSubscribingOptimization | Attempts to enable the auto-subscribing optimization. |
 | UnsubscribeItem | Unsubscribe from changes of a particular OPC item.
Unsubscribe from OPC item, specifying its handle. |
 | WaitForItemValue | Overloaded. Waits until the OPC-DA item quality becomes "good".
This method subscribes to the specified OPC-DA item, and monitors its data until it has "good" quality, an error occurs, or the alloted time elapses.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | WaitForMultipleItems | Overloaded. Waits until the OPC-DA items satisfy the given conditions.
Subscribes to the specified OPC-DA items, and monitors their data until the predicates specified for each item become true, or the alloted time elapses.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | WaitForMultipleItemValues | Overloaded. Waits until the OPC-DA items reach the given minimum quality.
Subscribes to the specified OPC-DA items, and monitors their data until they have at least the quality specified for each item, an error occurs, or the alloted time elapses.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | WriteItem | Overloaded. Writes into a named item in an OPC server. Value, quality and timestamp are written.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
Optionally, a specific data type can be requested, or an access path can be specified (OPC DA 1.0 only).
 | WriteItem | Overloaded. Writes into a typed named item in an OPC server. A typed value, quality and timestamp are written.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | WriteItemValue | Overloaded. Writes a value into a named item in an OPC server. Only the item value is written (quality and timestamp are not written).
The WriteItemValue only writes the item value into the OPC-DA server; how the quality and timestamp are affected depends on the server. Some servers support writing the quality and timestamp as well; use the WriteItem method for that.
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM.
Optionally, a specific data type can be requested, or an access path can be specified (OPC DA 1.0 only). |
 | WriteItemValue | Overloaded. Writes a typed value into a (typed) named item in an OPC server. Only the item's typed value is written (quality and timestamp are not written).
The server(s) can be local or can be remotely accessed via DCOM. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfBoolean | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Boolean value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfByte | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Byte value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfChar | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Char value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfDecimal | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Decimal value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfDouble | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Double value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfInt16 | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Int16 value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfInt32 | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Int32 value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfInt64 | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Int64 value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfIntPtr | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.IntPtr value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfSingle | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.Single value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueArrayOfString | Overloaded. Writes an array of System.String value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueBoolean | Overloaded. Writes a System.Boolean value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueByte | Overloaded. Writes a System.Byte value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueChar | Overloaded. Writes a System.Char value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueDecimal | Overloaded. Writes a System.Decimal value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueDouble | Overloaded. Writes a System.Double value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueInt16 | Overloaded. Writes a System.Int16 value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueInt32 | Overloaded. Writes a System.Int32 value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueInt64 | Overloaded. Writes a System.Int64 value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueIntPtr | Overloaded. Writes a System.IntPtr value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueSingle | Overloaded. Writes a System.Single value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |
 | WriteItemValueString | Overloaded. Writes a System.String value into a named OPC item. A corresponding data type is passed to the OPC server. |