OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
_EasyUACertificateManagementClient Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Gds.ComTypes Namespace : _EasyUACertificateManagementClient Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by _EasyUACertificateManagementClient.

Public Properties
 PropertyThe selector of the client object that is used for the specialized client operations.  
 PropertyCan be used to distinguish otherwise equal widgets.  
 PropertyThe display string for the current object.  
 PropertyDetermines whether this specialized client has been derived from an OPC UA client object.  
Public Methods
 MethodReturns the client object upon which this specialized client is built.  
 MethodBrowses the certificate groups available in the Certificate Management information model.  
 MethodFinishes a certificate request started with a call to StartNewKeyPairRequest or StartSigningRequest.  
 MethodReturns the certificate group element for a given certificate group Id.  
 MethodReturns the Ids of certificate groups assigned to application.  
 MethodChecks if an application needs to update its certificate.  
 MethodGets the service object of the specified type, given by type name.  
 MethodRetrieves the node ID of a trust list assigned to an application.  
 MethodStarts a request for a new certificate and private key. The certificate and private key are returned in the FinishRequest response.  
 MethodInitiates a request to create a certificate which uses the private key which the caller currently has. The new certificate is returned in the FinishRequest response.  
 MethodDefines a generalized method that classes must implement to create type-specific method for determining value equality of instances. Determines whether this instance has the same value as a given other instance.  
See Also


_EasyUACertificateManagementClient Interface
OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Gds.ComTypes Namespace