OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
UAClientSubscriptionParameters Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine Namespace : UAClientSubscriptionParameters Class

The following tables list the members exposed by UAClientSubscriptionParameters.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the class.  
Public Fields
Public FieldDefault value of the AllowPublishTimeAhead property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the AllowPublishTimeStale property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the AssumedMinimumKeepAliveCount property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the AssumedMinimumLifetimeCount property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the AssumedMinimumPublishingInterval property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the CheckSubscriptionId property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the FastestKeepAliveInterval property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the FastestKeepAliveIntervalDebug property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the FastestLifetimeInterval property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the FastestLifetimeIntervalDebug property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the KeepAliveCount property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the LifetimeCount property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the MaximumLifetimeDueTime property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the PublishingHaltedProbationaryPeriod property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the PublishStatusChangedQueueLimit property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the RequireMinimumRevisedLifetimeCount property.  
Public FieldDefault value of the RetrialDelay property.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDetermines whether notification messages with publish time that is too much ahead will be accepted for processing.  
Public PropertyDetermines whether notification messages with publish time that is too much stale will be accepted for processing.  
Public PropertyAssumed minimum keep-alive count. For client overflow protection.  
Public PropertyAssumed minimum lifetime count. For client overflow protection.  
Public PropertyAssumed minimum publishing interval. For client overflow protection.  
Public PropertyCheck the subscription ID.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Default client subscription parameters.  
Public PropertyThe fastest keep-alive interval that the client will request from the server.  
Public PropertyThe fastest keep-alive interval that the client will request from the server when a debugger is attached.  
Public PropertyThe fastest lifetime interval that the client will request from the server.  
Public PropertyThe fastest lifetime interval that the client will request from the server when a debugger is attached.  
Public PropertyNumber of empty publishing cycles before the server returns a keep-alive message.  
Public PropertyNumber of missing publishing cycles before the server closes the subscription.  
Public PropertyMaximum lifetime due time. For server overflow protection.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Client subscription parameters for best OPC compliance.  
Public PropertyThe period before a subscription with stopped publishing is considered halted.  
Public PropertyCapacity of the queue that holds publish status changes.  
Public PropertyEnforces that the revised lifetime count returned by the server is at least 3 times the revised keep alive count.  
Public PropertyA delay before the component will try to recreate the subscription, if it failed to create it previously, or a serious failure occurred related to the subscription (in milliseconds).  
Public PropertyA symbolic name of the current parameter combination if it has a standard name. Empty otherwise. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Parameters)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverridden.   
Public MethodOverloaded. Overridden. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current object.Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current object.  
Public MethodOverridden. Serves as the default hash function. Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Serves as a hash function for a particular type.  
Public MethodOverridden.   
Public Method (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Info)
Public MethodGets the System.Type of the current instance. (Inherited from object)
Public Method (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Info)
Public MethodSets the object properties back to their defaults.  
Public MethodOverridden. Returns a string that represents the current object.Returns a string that represents the current object.Returns a string that represents the current object.Returns a string that represents the current object.  
Public Method (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Info)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodInfrastructure. Copies data from the specified parameter object into the current parameter object. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Parameters)
Protected MethodAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodIndicates the standard name for the default combination of parameters. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Parameters)
Protected MethodReturns a collection of standard values for the OpcLabs.BaseLib.Parameters.StandardName property. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Parameters)
Protected MethodInfrastructure. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.Parameters)
Protected MethodCreates a shallow copy of the current System.Object. (Inherited from object)
Protected MethodOverridden. Infrastructure. Infrastructure.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Infrastructure. Infrastructure.  
Public Operators
Determines whether the two objects are equal.
Determines whether the two objects are not equal.
See Also


UAClientSubscriptionParameters Class
OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine Namespace