Name | Description | |
CertificateAcceptancePolicy | Determines which server certificates are accepted. | |
ConfigurationSources | Determines the sources of the UA configuration. | |
DebuggerDetectionOverride | If Positive , the behavior is always as if the debugger was attached. If Negative , the behavior is always as if the debugger was not attached. | |
DisplayString | The display string for the current object. | |
GarbageCollectionPeriod | How often the component cleans up unused objects such as sessions and subscriptions. In milliseconds. | |
GdsEndpointDescriptor | The endpoint descriptor of the Global Discover Server (GDS) that will be used for performing the discovery. | |
HttpsCertificateAcceptancePolicy | Determines which HTTPS server certificates are accepted. | |
MaximumDormantSessions | Maximum number of sessions that can be kept in the dormant state. | |
ReconnectionPeriod | How often the component checks and processes the list of objects that may need reconnection. In milliseconds. | |
RetrialDelay | A delay before the component will try to re-initialize itself if a serious failure occurs during startup (in milliseconds). | |
StandardName | A symbolic name of the current parameter combination if it has a standard name. Empty otherwise. | |
UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation | Determines whether the certificates used for HTTPS communication will be validated by the component, or using the system default rules. | |
UserInteractionParameters | Contains parameters that influence the interaction of the component with the user. |