OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
OPC Interoperability
Advanced Topics > OPC Interoperability

The OPC Data Client components have been extensively tested for OPC interoperability, with various OPC servers from many vendors, and on different computing environments. The tests also include regular participation in OPC Foundation’s Interoperability Workshops, where OPC software is intensively “grilled” for interoperability.

Having tried so many different OPC servers to connect to, we have encountered different (though still correct) interpretations of the same OPC specifications, and also certain common (and less common) divergences from the specifications. OPC Data Client components do not try to “turn down” any OPC server for compliance problems. Just the opposite: Wherever possible, we have taken a “relaxed” approach to how the OPC servers are written, and allow and accept the above mentioned variations. This gives OPC Data Client even wider interoperability scope.

Based on the interoperability results (which can be viewed on OPC Foundation’s web site), OPC Data Client.NET and OPC Data Client-COM have also been granted the OPC Foundations’ “Self-tested for Compliance” logo. Note that in contrast with the logo title, the conditions of this logo program actually require the OPC client software be tested in presence and with cooperation of OPC Foundation’s Test Lab delegate.

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