OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Installing COM Components and Type Libraries
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Concepts > Development Concepts > Application Deployment > Installation Elements > Installing COM Components and Type Libraries

Because OPC Studio API for COM is implemented by exposing the .NET objects of OPC Studio to COM, you need to basically do two things:

  1. Deploy the assemblies needed for .NET (see preceding chapter).
  2. Register them using the Assembly Registration tool (Regasm.exe)

The Assembly Registration tool is a part of .NET Framework, and is therefore available on every computer that has the .NET Framework installed. You only need to apply the Assembly Registration tool to the following assemblies:

For more information, please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tzat5yw6(v=vs.110).aspx. It is recommended that you use the /codebaseoption when registering the assemblies.

On 64-bit systems, a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of RegAsm.exe are present. Using the 32-bit version of RegAsm.exe registers the assembly for use by 32-bit COM applications, and using the 64-bit of RegAsm.exe registers the assembly for use by 64-bit COM applications. Depending on your needs, you need to select the proper version of RegAsm.exe, or even use them both (on a 64-bit system, it is always safe to do so).
See Also
