OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
COM Components for OPC UA
Client and Subscriber Development > Development Fundamentals > Referencing the Components (COM) > COM Components for OPC UA

In order to gain access to all COM objects of OPC Data Client-UA, you need types described in the following type libraries:

Type Library Name LIBID Note
OPC Labs Base Library ecf2e77d-3a90-4fb8-b0e2-f529f0cae9c9  
OPC Labs Base Library Components 1F127C9A-7FB7-4F5E-BCF6-64339872A64B  
OPC Labs Base Library Forms A0D7CA1E-7D8C-4D31-8ECB-84929E77E331 only for User Interface objects
OPC Labs EasyOPC-UA Library E15CAAE0-617E-49C6-BB42-B521F9DF3983  
OPC Labs EasyOPC-UA Components Library 5346E434-17C3-4D23-AD1F-43F7B92B2468  
OPC Labs EasyOPC Forms 2C654FA0-6CD6-496D-A64E-CE2D2925F388 only for User Interface objects
See Also