OPC Labs EasyOPC-UA Library
UABrokerTransportQualityOfService Enumeration
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OpcLabs_EasyOpcUA ActiveX DLL : UABrokerTransportQualityOfService Enumeration
Defines the quality of service for broker transport.


UUID: 0c5f14f1-c977-42c8-a51e-900405d50f89


For more information, see UABrokerTransportQualityOfService in .NET Reference.

UABrokerTransportQualityOfService_AtLeastOnce2The transport guarantees that the message shall be delivered at least once, but duplication is possible.
UABrokerTransportQualityOfService_AtMostOnce3The transport guarantees that the message shall be sent once, but if it is lost it is not sent again.
UABrokerTransportQualityOfService_BestEffort1The transport shall make the best effort to deliver a message.
UABrokerTransportQualityOfService_ExactlyOnce4The transport handshake guarantees that the message shall be delivered to the broker exactly once and not more.
UABrokerTransportQualityOfService_NotSpecified0The value is not specified and the value of the parent object shall be used.

For remarks, see UABrokerTransportQualityOfService in .NET Reference.


For examples, see UABrokerTransportQualityOfService in .NET Reference.