OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
ToolTip and Other Extenders
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Concepts > OPC Data Client Concepts > OPC Data Client Development Models > Live Binding Model > Live Binding Model for OPC Data (Classic and UA) > Typical Binding Scenarios > ToolTip and Other Extenders
In This Topic

In general, Live Binding supports extender providers and extender properties both in Windows Forms and in WPF. The procedure described below for Windows Forms, however, is not usable with WPF, because in WPF. tooltips are not implemented using an extender provider, but are instead a property right on the control level.

Windows Forms

You can bind to properties made available by extender providers, such as ToolTip. Hovering over the control associated with the ToolTip then allows the user to see more details about the value.

How to configure this feature for OPC-DA:

Drag the ToolTip extender (standard Microsoft component), or other extender provider you need, from the toolbox to the form. Configure the binding in a usual way.

Then, use the "Edit Live Bindings" command, "Clone" the existing binding, and change the cloned binding as follows: Set the ValueTarget.ExtenderProvider to the ToolTip (extender provider) component on your form, and set the ValueTarget.TargetMember to the Tooltip member. Set the ArgumentsPath to Vtq (or Timestamp, Quality, or whatever you'll want to be displayed in the tooltip). This will cause the additional information from the OPC item be displayed by the ToolTip extender provider for the control.

How to configure this feature for OPC-UA:

Drag the ToolTip extender (standard Microsoft component), or other extender provider you need, from the toolbox to the form. Configure the binding in a usual way.

Then, use the "Edit Live Bindings" command, "Clone" the existing binding, and change the cloned binding as follows: Set the ValueTarget.ExtenderProvider to the ToolTip (extender provider) component on your form, and set the ValueTarget.TargetMember to the Tooltip member. Set the ArgumentsPath to AttributeData (or SourceTimestamp, ServerTimestamp, StatusCode, or whatever you'll want to be displayed in the tooltip). This will cause the additional information from the OPC-UA be displayed by the ToolTip extender provider for the control.


How to configure this feature:

Configure the binding in a usual way.

Then, use the "Edit Live Bindings" command, "Clone" the existing binding, and change the cloned binding as follows: Set the ValueTarget to the Tooltip member. Set the ArgumentsPath to AttributeData (or SourceTimestamp, ServerTimestamp, StatusCode, or whatever you'll want to be displayed in the tooltip). Set the StringFormat property on the data binding to {0} or as needed. Note that the displayed tooltip is not dynamically updated when StringFormat is not set.

See Also