| Name | Description |
  | BrowseDirectories | Overloaded. Browses for directories under the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | BrowseFiles | Overloaded. Browses for files under the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | BrowseTree | Overloaded. Browses a tree of objects available in the OPC UA directory, returning all available object types. |
  | Copy | Overloaded. Copies an OPC UA file or directory to another directory. |
  | CopyFile | Overloaded. Copies an OPC UA file to another directory. |
  | CreateAndOpenFile | Creates a new OPC UA file, organized under an existing directory, and immediately opens it. |
  | CreateDirectory | Overloaded. Creates a new directory under an existing OPC UA directory. |
  | CreateFile | Creates a new file under an existing OPC UA directory. |
  | CreateOrOpenFile | Opens an existing OPC UA file, or creates a new OPC UA file if it does not exist yet. |
  | Delete | Overloaded. Deletes an existing OPC UA file or directory. |
  | DeleteDirectory | Overloaded. Deletes an existing OPC UA directory. |
  | DeleteDirectoryIfExists | Deletes an OPC UA directory if it exists (does nothing if the directory does not exist). |
  | DeleteFile | Overloaded. Deletes an existing OPC UA file. |
  | DeleteFileIfExists | Overloaded. Deletes an OPC UA file if it exists (does nothing if the file does not exist). |
  | DeleteIfExists | Overloaded. Deletes an OPC UA file or directory if it exists (does nothing if the file or directory does not exist). |
  | EnumerateDirectories | Overloaded. Enumerates directories under the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | EnumerateFiles | Overloaded. Enumerates files under the specified OPC UA directory. |
 | Equals | (Inherited from object) |
  | FindDirectory | Overloaded. Finds a directory object under the specified parent directory. |
  | FindFile | Overloaded. Finds a file object under the specified parent directory. |
  | FindFileOrDirectory | Overloaded. Finds a file or directory object under the specified parent directory. |
  | FindFileSystem | Finds a file system object component under the specified OPC UA object. |
  | FindOrCreateAllDirectories | Overloaded. Finds an OPC UA directory with given path and name; creates the directory, together with the directories on the path, if they are not found. |
  | FindOrCreateDirectory | Finds an OPC UA directory with given name; creates the directory if not found. |
  | FindRootAndPath | Finds a root directory of the specified OPC UA file or directory object, and a named node path from the root directory to the specified object. |
  | FindRootDirectory | Finds a root directory of the specified OPC UA file or directory object. |
  | GetDirectory | Overloaded. Obtains a node descriptor of an OPC UA directory object. |
  | GetDirectoryContents2 | Overloaded. Gets a directory contents object for the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | GetDirectoryName | Obtains a name of a given OPC UA directory object. |
  | GetFile | Overloaded. Obtains a node descriptor of an OPC UA file object. |
  | GetFileInfo2 | Overloaded. Gets a file info object for the specified OPC UA file. |
  | GetFileName | Obtains a name of a given OPC UA file object. |
  | GetFileOrDirectory | Overloaded. Obtains a node descriptor of an OPC UA file or directory object. |
  | GetFileProperties | Overloaded. Obtain properties (file metadata) of a specified OPC UA file. |
  | GetFileProvider2 | Gets a file provider on the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | GetFileSystem | Overloaded. Obtains a file system object component under the specified OPC UA object. |
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from object) |
  | GetMultipleFileProperties | Obtain properties (file metadata) of multiple specified OPC UA files. |
  | GetMultipleNames | Obtains names of given OPC UA file or directory objects. |
  | GetName | Obtains a names of a given OPC UA file or directory object. |
  | GetParentDirectory | Obtains node descriptor of a parent directory of a specified OPC UA file or directory. |
  | GetRootDirectory | Obtains node descriptor of a root directory of a specified OPC UA file or directory. |
 | GetType | Gets the System.Type of the current instance. (Inherited from object) |
  | GetWritableDirectoryContents | Overloaded. Gets a writable directory contents object for the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | GetWritableFileInfo | Overloaded. Gets a writable file info object for the specified OPC UA file. |
  | GetWritableFileProvider | Gets a writable file provider on the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | HasFileSystem | Overloaded. Determines whether the specified OPC UA object contains a file system object component. |
  | HasParentDirectory | Determines whether the specified OPC UA file or directory has a parent directory object. |
  | IsDirectory | Overloaded. Determines whether the specified OPC UA node is an OPC UA directory object. |
  | IsFile | Overloaded. Determines whether the specified OPC UA node is an OPC UA file object. |
  | IsFileOrDirectory | Overloaded. Determines whether the specified OPC UA node is an OPC UA file or directory object. |
  | IsRootDirectory | Determines whether the specified OPC UA directory is a root directory. |
  | ListDirectoryNames | Overloaded. Obtains names of directories under the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | ListFileAndDirectoryNames | Overloaded. Obtains names of files and directories under the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | ListFileNames | Overloaded. Obtains names of files under the specified OPC UA directory. |
  | Move | Overloaded. Moves an OPC UA file or directory to another directory, or renames a file or directory. |
  | MoveDirectory | Overloaded. Moves an OPC UA directory to another directory, or renames a directory. |
  | MoveFile | Overloaded. Moves an OPC UA file to another directory, or renames a file. |
  | MoveOrCopy | Overloaded. Moves or copies an OPC UA file or directory to another directory, or renames a file or directory. |
  | MoveOrCopyDirectory | Overloaded. Moves or copies an OPC UA directory to another directory, or renames a directory. |
  | MoveOrCopyFile | Overloaded. Moves or copies an OPC UA file to another directory, or renames a file. |
  | OpenFile | Opens an existing OPC UA file. |
  | Rename | Overloaded. Renames an OPC UA file or directory. |
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from object) |