For a list of all members of this type, see AEAcknowledgeConditionArguments members.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AcknowledgerId | A string passed in by the client, identifying who is acknowledging the condition. This is an attribute (AcknowledgerID) of the condition that identifies who acknowledged the condition. This is just a string generated by the client. This is also included as the ActorId in the acknowledgment event notification sent to all subscribing clients. When omitted, a DefaultAcknowledgerId value is used. An AcknowledgerId cannot result in an empty string, since such AcknowledgerId is used to indicate that the event was automatically acknowledged by the server. |
 | ActiveTime | An active time corresponding to the Source and Condition Name pair. In UTC. |
 | ActiveTimeDouble | An active time corresponding to the Source and Condition Name pair. In UTC, as double-precision floating-point number that contains an OLE Automation date. |
 | ActiveTimeLocal | An active time corresponding to the Source and Condition Name pair. In local time. |
 | ActiveTimeLocalDouble | An active time corresponding to the Source and Condition Name pair. In local time, as double-precision floating-point number that contains an OLE Automation date. |
 | Comment | Comment string passed in by the client associated with acknowledging the condition. An empty string indicating no comment is allowed. When omitted, an empty string is used instead. |
 | ConditionName | A condition name, identifying the condition that is being acknowledged. Condition Names are unique within the scope of the event server. Examples of Condition Names might be "LevelAlarm" or "Deviation". |
 | Cookie | A server supplied "cookie" corresponding to the Source and Condition Name pair that in addition to the Active Time uniquely identifies a specific event notification. Cookies are passed to the client in the event notification. The client is responsible for returning the same cookie parameter, received in the event notification, back to the server in the condition acknowledgment. |
  | DefaultActiveTime | Default value of the ActiveTime property. |
  | DefaultServerDescriptor | Default server descriptor. |
  | DefaultSourceDescriptor | Default source descriptor. |
 | ServerDescriptor | Gets or sets the OPC server descriptor that is an argument to the operation. |
 | SourceDescriptor | Contains fully qualified source name. Identifies the source of the condition that is being acknowledged, e.g. FIC101. |
 | State | Gets or sets the arbitrary object associated with the operation. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationArguments) |
See Also